Welcome to HorizonLegends.com! Using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
Acceptance of Terms
By accessing or using HorizonLegends.com (the “Site”), you confirm that you accept these Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the Site.
Use of Content
- All biographies, articles, images, and other content on the Site are for informational purposes only.
- Content is owned by Horizon Legends or licensed to us. You may not copy, modify, or redistribute any material without written permission.
- You may share content for personal, non-commercial use if you credit HorizonLegends.com as the source.
User Responsibilities
You agree not to:
- Use the Site for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
- Post harmful, offensive, or false information.
- Disrupt the Site’s functionality (e.g., hacking, spamming).
- Violate the privacy or rights of others.
- If you submit content (e.g., biography suggestions, corrections), you grant Horizon Legends the right to edit, publish, or use it without compensation.
- Do not submit confidential or sensitive personal information (e.g., Social Security numbers).
- We strive for accuracy but do not guarantee the completeness or reliability of our content.
- The Site is provided “as is.” We are not liable for errors, omissions, or outcomes from using the information provided.
Limitation of Liability
Horizon Legends and its team will not be liable for any damages (e.g., data loss, profits, or reputation) arising from your Site use.
Your use of the Site is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which explains how we collect and protect your data.
Changes to Terms
We may update these Terms at any time. Revised terms will be posted here with a new “Last Updated” date. Continued use of the Site means you accept the changes.
Contact Us
For questions about these Terms, could you email us at abdulrahmansheikh321@gmail.com?
Thank you for respecting our guidelines and being part of HorizonLegends.com!